Poster - Display

Acrylic Frame Poster

Clear Acrylic UV Printing

Impraboard Poster

Paper Poster

Photo Canvas

Snap Frame Poster

Custom Poster & Photo Display Printing in Bali

Photo Posters are a grand way to make announcements or to promote trade shows and special events. Design your posters with stunning images and increase your exposure.
Promotional posters are also perfect for estate agents, restaurants, groceries and any other retail business.
It’s also easy to create and display posters that match the theme of personal events like weddings and parties. Photos of the bride and groom, graduate or other guest of honor are great as decorations or for gathering autographs and comments from attendees.

Whatever your promotional needs, posters are big enough to include it all: Large headlines, photographs, artwork, event info or detailed descriptions. Anything can fit on a poster

Promote Your Brand with Posters

When you want to call attention to an upcoming promotion performance, grand opening, or another special event, personalized posters from MahaMeru help you spread the word. Our posters allow you to customize everything from size to framing, and all posters are created using high-quality, full-color digital printing to make a stunning first impression.

Poster Product Options

Larger posters are great for grabbing attention in shop windows or in bigger spaces. Use small posters to display opening hours or announce events on local notice boards. Wherever you display them, posters are an eye-catching way to promote your brand and get your message across. MahaMeru offers custom poster printing in a variety of sizes: A4, A3, A2, A1 and A0 format.